Feelings Transformed: Philosophical Theories of the Emotions, 1270-1670 电子书下载
What are emotions? How do they arise? How do they relate to other mental and bodily states? And what is their specific structure? ...
05-23 [ None ]
A Primer for Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT); Cultivating Fitness and Growth in Every Client 电子书下载
This essential text from the leading authority on Emotionally Focused Therapy, Susan M. Johnson, and colleague, T. Leanne Campbel ...
06-16 [ None ]
Penis Envy and Other Bad Feelings: The Emotional Costs of Everyday Life 电子书下载
Mari Ruti combines theoretical reflection, cultural critique, feminist politics, and personal experience to analyze the prevalenc ...
07-28 [ None ]
Emotions and Beliefs: How Feelings Influence Thoughts 电子书下载
Few people would question nowadays that emotions influence beliefs but until recently little scientific research has been done on ...
08-18 [ None ]
Emotions in the Heart of the City (14th-16th century) = Les émotions au coeur de la ville (XIVe-XVIe siècle) 电子书下载
Whoever is curious about emotions and their expression in the Old Regime has to discover Johan Huizinga’s works. From his point o ...
07-23 [ None ]