Loving With a Vengeance: Mass Produced Fantasies for Women 电子书下载
Upon its first publication, Loving with a Vengeance was a groundbreaking study of women readers and their relationship to mass-ma ...
10-11 [ None ]
《seo的艺术原书第2版》Eric Enge;Stephan Spencer;Jessie Stricchiola;Rand Fishkin 电子书下载
内容简介 :《SEO的艺术(原书第2版)》内容简介:搜索引擎优化领域的4位公认的专家分享指南和新颖的技术,帮助你规划和执行全面的SEO策略。《SEO的艺术(原书第2版)》为你带来搜索引擎行为的最新变化,例如,设计用户参与和社会化媒体的新排名方法,以及从基本到高级的整套有效的战术。 ...
10-14 [ computer ]
Mastering Professional Scrum: A Practitioner’s Guide to Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing the Benefits of Agility (The Professional Scrum Series) 电子书下载
“Our job as Scrum professionals is to continually improve our ability to use Scrum to deliver products and services that help cu ...
10-08 [ None ]
The Strongbow Saga, Book Three: The Road to Vengeance 电子书下载
Halfdan Hroriksson is on the hunt. Determined to find and fight his brother`s killer, Halfdan knows he must first gain experience ...
10-11 [ None ]
Thuis voelen in de buurt: een opgave voor stedelijke vernieuwing: een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de buurthechting van bewoners in Nederland en Engeland 电子书下载
Bij het transformeren van probleemwijken naar prachtwijken is veel aandacht voor de fysieke, de sociale en de economische aspecte ...
07-21 [ None ]
《原书第2版:SEO的艺术》 Eric Enge;Stephan Spencer;Jessie Stricchiola;Rand FishkinO’Reilly精品图书系列文字版 电子书下载
Eric Enge是SEO顾问公司Stone Temple Consulting(www.stonetemple.com)的创始人和CEO。Stephan Spencer创立了SEO公司Netconcepts和ScienceofSEO.com培训计划。他是《Google Power Search》( ...
09-23 [ computer ]
Shining the Light IV: Humanitys Greatest Challenge 电子书下载
The fourth installment of the series tells of the incredible vehicle traveling with the Hale-Bopp Comet—four times the size of Ea ...
10-08 [ None ]
Title IX and the Protection of Pregnant and Parenting College Students: Realities and Challenges 电子书下载
This book explores the discrepancies among what protections Title IX provides to pregnant and parenting students, what colleges c ...
09-20 [ None ]