Football Analytics with Python & R - Eric A. Eager and Richard A. Erickson 电子书下载
Football Analytics with Python & R - Eric A. Eager and Richard A. EricksonEric A. Eager and Richard A. Erickson ...
02-05 [ computer ]
On and Off the Field: Fußballkultur in England und Deutschland | Football Culture in England and Germany 电子书下载
Der vorliegende Band analysiert das sich wandelnde Fußballspiel in Deutschland und England vor dem Hintergrund der Frage: Lässt s ...
05-21 [ None ]
Mathletics : how gamblers, managers, and sports enthusiasts use mathematics in baseball, basketball, and football 电子书下载
Mathletics is a remarkably entertaining book that shows readers how to use simple mathematics to analyze a range of statistical a ...
08-29 [ None ]
No Game for Boys to Play: The History of Youth Football and the Origins of a Public Health Crisis 电子书下载
In 2016, the NFL admitted a link between degenerative brain disease and injuries resulting from tackle football. This admission s ...
06-08 [ None ]
Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball, Basketball, and Football 电子书下载
Mathletics is a remarkably entertaining book that shows readers how to use simple mathematics to analyze a range of statistical a ...
08-29 [ None ]