Oxford Picture Dictionary (Monolingual English) 电子书下载
A remarkable second edition of the best-selling and well loved Oxford Picture Dictionary, features over 4,000 words and phrases i ...
09-16 [ None ]
Waves of Global Terrorism. From 1879 to the Present 电子书下载
Terrorism is a persistent form of political violence, but it appears intermittently, afflicting certain places in certain eras wh ...
09-01 [ None ]
《魔女霓裳(GL)》八千岁 电子书下载
内容简介:魔女霓裳为晋江写手八千岁的作品。是白发魔女的同人文。作者自述:最爱的一位绝色,最厌的一段爱情,貌似迟迟不见大神来写,只得自己动手平怨念。我们庆幸这世间有了八千大,圆了一个白发魔女永远没有的梦。作者简介:八千岁,网络小说作家。 ...
10-14 [ workplace ]
Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations 电子书下载
This book focusses on making the transition from in-person, classroom education to other feasible alternative modes and methodolo ...
08-02 [ None ]
《撬动地球的Google》戴维·怀斯/马克·马西德中文修订版 电子书下载
戴维·怀斯,出生于田纳西的纳什维尔。怀斯以忧异成绩自宾州大学毕业,并拥有沃顿商学院MBA学位。怀斯得过众多奖项,他的首部著作《监视华尔街》(Eagle on the Street)与斯蒂夫·科尔(Steve Coll)合著,为他赢得了1990年普利策新闻奖。怀斯目前供职于《华盛顿邮报》,主要报道的公 ...
10-10 [ computer ]
Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL: All you need to pass your exams 电子书下载
This workbook provides a resource for students studying for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, which is requ ...
09-13 [ None ]
Oxford Picture Dictionary: English Arabic 电子书下载
Content is organized within 12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food and Recreation. Each unit start ...
09-16 [ None ]
Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century 电子书下载
Put quite simply, the twin impacts of globalization and environmental degradation pose new security dangers and concerns. In this ...
06-27 [ None ]
OpenGL. Официальное руководство программиста aka OpenGL Red Book 电子书下载
Перевод книги OpenGL RedBook (Официальное руководство программиста).OpenGL – это программный интерфейс к графической аппаратуре. ...
06-04 [ None ]
《如何成为职场实力派》日本GLOBIS商学院文字版 电子书下载
日本GLOBIS(顾彼思)商学院致力于培养为社会带来创新和变革的商务领导者,基于从GLOBIS各类活动中积累的知识和经验,进行具有实践性的经营管理知识及方法的研究、开发与传播。35岁之前必须掌握的十大职场基本功从新人到精英的必经之路,通行职场的秘密武器。☆ 日本GLOBIS商学院全力推广的十大工作必 ...
09-13 [ workplace ]