Shining the Light III: Humanity Gets a Second Chance 电子书下载
In the third book of the Shining the Light series, the focus shifts from the dastardly deeds of the secret government to humanity ...
10-08 [ None ]
Python3.3.4 Tkinter-Ttk Widgets and Sqlite3 电子书下载
Fantastic book for working with Python 3.3, Tkinter/Ttk and Sqlite3. Rich examples are provided that give the reader the knowledg ...
05-23 [ None ]
Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets - Kimmo and Tero Karvinen 电子书下载
Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets - Kimmo and Tero KarvinenKimmo and Tero Karvinen ...
02-05 [ computer ]