《精益设计:设计团队如何改善用户体验(第2版)》Jeff Gothelf全译经典版 电子书下载
Jeff Gothelf资深设计师,在数字产品和服务领域工作了近20年,致力于将以客户为中心、以实证为基础的方法应用于产品战略、设计和领导层面。Jeff还是Neo Innovation的联合创始人,在他的主导下,该品牌成为受现代产品战略、开发和设计领域认可的一流品牌,并被Pivotal Labs高价 ...
10-10 [ computer ]
Lean UX 3rd Edition - Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden 电子书下载
Lean UX 3rd Edition - Jeff Gothelf and Josh SeidenJeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Lean UX 2nd Edition - Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden 电子书下载
Lean UX 2nd Edition - Jeff Gothelf and Josh SeidenJeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience - Jeff Gothelf 电子书下载
Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience - Jeff GothelfJeff Gothelf ...
02-05 [ computer ]