《撒旦的羔羊》[美] 哈兰·科本 / Harlan Coben 电子书下载
内容简介:《撒旦的羔羊》一书中讲到,处理伤痛的最快方式,就是正面交锋……但你永远无法预料,那需要多大的勇气。对运动经纪人米隆•波利塔来说,曾是他竞争对手的格雷格•唐宁的失踪,唤回了很多记忆--十年前,他们是实力相当的篮坛新秀,共同爱过一个女人……而后来格雷格成为篮坛巨星,他却因意外受伤退出篮坛。现在 ...
09-06 [ fiction ]
Enterprise AJAX: Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications - Dave Johnson, Alexei White and Andre Charland 电子书下载
Enterprise AJAX: Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications - Dave Johnson, Alexei White and Andre CharlandDave Johnson, Alexei White a ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Analyzing the Analyzers - Harlan D. Harris, Sean Patrick Murphy, and Marck Vaisman 电子书下载
Analyzing the Analyzers - Harlan D. Harris, Sean Patrick Murphy, and Marck VaismanHarlan D. Harris, Sean Patrick Murphy, and Marck Vaisman ...
02-05 [ computer ]