How New Humans Are Made: Cells and Embryos, Twins and Chimeras, Left and Right, Mind Self Soul, Sex, and Schizophrenia 电子书下载
It is not okay to call something a miracle without even trying to understand it. This is human developmental biology (human embry ...
08-01 [ None ]
《Linux内核精髓:精通Linux内核必会的75个绝技》Munehiro IKEDA / Naohiro Ooiwa / Hiroshi Shimamoto / Akio Takebe / Masami Hiramatsu文字版 电子书下载
高桥 浩和(Hirokazu Takahashi),毕业于北海道大学电子工学系。从VAX全盛时代开始致力于各种UNIX系列操作系统的功能强化和内核调整,以及大规模系统的实时操作系统的设计等。以ISP的服务器构建为契机,开始正式研究Linux。池田 宗广(Munehiro IKEDA),大学时代,亲眼 ...
09-14 [ computer ]
《新恋爱讲座》MISHIMA YUKIO珍藏版 电子书下载
Mishima Yukio三岛由纪夫(1925—1970)日本小说家、剧作家。本名平冈公威,生于东京。一九四九年出版长篇小说《假面自白》,文坛地位确立。一九七〇年十一月二十五日写完《丰饶之海》第四部《天人五衰》后自杀。一生创作四十部中长篇小说、二十部短篇小说集和十八部剧本集。主要著作还有《禁色》《潮 ...
01-09 [ fiction ]
Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change, Water Resources, and Water Security 电子书下载
Scientific evidence shows that most glaciers in South Asia`s Hindu Kush Himalayan region are retreating, but the consequences for ...
06-07 [ None ]