《FBI教你实用防身技巧》查克·乔伊纳(Chuck·Joyner) 文字版 电子书下载
本书所要呈现的不仅仅是简单的防身技巧,还包括*的防身理念,这些都可以被广泛应用于增强警务人员人身安全的实践中。本书的主要内容在于介绍各种防身的基本原则和战术,对于多数警务人员来说简单易学,容易理解和记忆。这些原则和战术都经过大量科研究和实战的检验。编者序前言法律免责声明第1章 武力的使用第2章 “反 ...
09-17 [ life ]
Bob Ross, TVs Favorite Artist, Presents Annette Kowalskis The Joy of Painting Flowers 电子书下载
The Joy of Painting Flowers is 66 pages and contains 13 painting projects. The book consists of an Introduction that describes th ...
09-26 [ None ]
How James Joyce Made His Name: A Reading of the Final Lacan (Contemporary Theory) 电子书下载
In this lucid and compelling analysis of Lacan`s twenty-third seminar, “Le Sinthome,” Roberto Harari points to new psychoanalytic ...
06-30 [ None ]
Joyce Carol Oates 电子书下载
Terence Greene est un quadragénaire à qui tout semble avoir réussi. Mari modèle et père de famille aimant, il dirige grâce à sa b ...
10-08 [ None ]
Playing Through Arthritis : How to Conquer Pain and Enjoy Your Favorite Sports and Activities 电子书下载
"I have worked extensively with Dr. Silver educating people on how to win the battle over osteoarthritis. His book will be of tre ...
09-26 [ None ]