Prophetic Writings of Lady Eleanor Davies 电子书下载
Eleanor Davies (1590-1652) was one of the most prolific women writing in early seventeenth-century England. This volume includes ...
08-22 [ None ]
The Portrait of a Lady (Collectors Library) 电子书下载
When an inheritance allows Isabel Archer, a young American orphan, to travel to Europe, the new culture and people have a profoun ...
07-29 [ None ]
《孤城闭》米兰Lady畅销经典原版典藏 电子书下载
米兰Lady,专注于历史小说创作,善于从故纸堆中挖掘不为人熟知的故事,在讲述主角的情感经历、人生际遇的同时也工笔描绘时代背景,通过细节展现古代风物及传统文化。文笔细腻,宛若刺绣,以一针一线逐渐勾勒出遥远故国的历史画卷。代表作:《柔福帝姬》《孤城闭》《九歌·绿衣》等。仁宗盛治,天下雍熙,海晏河清,四海 ...
10-02 [ fiction ]