《哈佛大学危机管理课》Leonard J. Marcus / Eric J. McNulty / Joseph M. Henderson / Barry C. Dorn 电子书下载
内容简介:今时今日,领导者随时都可能面临突如其来的危机,无论是公共场所的枪击事件,卷入媒体舆论的风口浪尖,还是数据泄露事件。在面对国家危机、公司治理危机或者个人关键选择时,都需要一套行之有效的危机处置方法。本书内容源于由美国政府发起的,哈佛大学多个学院提供学术支持的项目——国家应急领导力项目(NPL ...
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Pro Java 7 NIO.2 - Anghel Leonard 电子书下载
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Cost-Effective Data Pipelines - Sev Leonard 电子书下载
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Ruby Cookbook - Lucas Carlson and Leonard Richardson 电子书下载
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RESTful Web Services - Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby 电子书下载
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RESTful Web APIs - Leonard Richardson and Mike Amundsen with a Foreword by Sam Ruby 电子书下载
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Data Science Bookcamp - Leonard Apeltsin 电子书下载
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Practical Cloud Native Security with Falco - Loris Degioanni and Leonardo Grasso 电子书下载
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02-05 [ computer ]
Pro NetBeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition - Adam Myatt with Brian Leonard and Geertjan Wielenga 电子书下载
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Developing with PDF - Leonard Rosenthol 电子书下载
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02-05 [ computer ]