Feelings Transformed: Philosophical Theories of the Emotions, 1270-1670 电子书下载
What are emotions? How do they arise? How do they relate to other mental and bodily states? And what is their specific structure? ...
05-23 [ None ]
Mastering Go 2nd Edition - Mihalis Tsoukalos 电子书下载
Mastering Go 2nd Edition - Mihalis TsoukalosMihalis Tsoukalos ...
02-05 [ computer ]
安迪·沃霍尔的哲学 The philosophy of Andy Warhol 电子书下载
《安迪·沃霍尔的哲学》堪称“波普教皇”安迪·沃霍尔的非正式自传。沃霍尔在此书中回顾了自己病态的少年晨夕,孤寂的青年时代,在纽约闯荡的岁月,初创“工厂”的奢华时光,以及他遭受枪击的创痛。英文版刊行于1975年,此后事迹自然无法呈现,但沃霍尔的人生精华已然浓缩于 ...
07-03 [ None ]
Mental Floss: Scatterbrained (Mentalfloss) 电子书下载
The bathroom read to end all bathroom reads! What does Greece (the country) have to do with Grease (the movie)? And what does Gre ...
10-10 [ None ]
The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Ambiguity, Conversion, Resistance 电子书下载
Studies of Simone de Beauvoir have mostly concentrated on her literature, her life, and her famous 1949 work, The Second Sex, and ...
09-21 [ None ]
Lösungsschlüssel zum Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Neubearbeitung 电子书下载
Недавно здесь выкладывали книгу "Немецкая грамматика с упражнениями", а это к ней ключи, полезная, в общем вещь, особенно для зан ...
09-01 [ None ]
C++ Crash Course - Josh Lospinoso 电子书下载
C++ Crash Course - Josh LospinosoJosh Lospinoso ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Not Just Child’s Play: Emerging Tradition and the Lost Boys of Sudan 电子书下载
Felicia R. McMahon breaks new ground in the presentation and analysis of emerging traditions of the "Lost Boys," a group of paren ...
06-08 [ None ]
The Primal Roots of American Philosophy: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, and Native American Thought 电子书下载
An exploration of American philosophy, connecting the work of such thinkers as Thoreau, Emerson, Dewey and James with Native Amer ...
06-04 [ None ]
Photography and Philosophy: Essays on the Pencil of Nature 电子书下载
I`m a photographer who will do anything to try to improve the quality of the images I capture. That includes looking at all kinds ...
10-09 [ None ]
The Philosophers - Introducing Great Western Thinkers 电子书下载
What better introduction to the world of philosophy than through the lives of its most prominent citizens. In The Philosophers, w ...
05-24 [ None ]