Mastering the Game of Thrones: Essays on George R.R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire 电子书下载
George R.R. Martin`s A Song of Ice and Fire series is a worldwide phenomenon, and the world of Westeros has seen multiple adaptat ...
11-01 [ None ]
《代码整洁之道》 [美]Robert C. Martin文字版 电子书下载
Rober C.Martin,Object Mentor公司总裁。面向对象设计、模式、UML、敏捷方法学和极限编程领域的资深顾问。他是Designing Object-Oriented C++Applications Using the BoochMethod以及Jolt获奖图书Agile Soft ...
09-16 [ computer ]
《基因社会:哈佛大学基因课》以太·亚奈(Itai Yanai),马丁·莱凯尔(Martin Lercher) 电子书下载
内容简介:你的基因如何控制你的身体和生活? 40多年前,理查德·道金斯出版了《自私的基因》,提出:人生来自私,跟其他生物一样,不过是基因的生存工具。然而,人类仍不清楚这些自私的基因是如何协作以构建生物体的。《基因社会》以丰富的新的研究为基础,为理解基因如何为了生存而合作及竞争提供了一种解释。 人为什 ...
06-21 [ education ]
Martin Scorsese (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert op ...
07-01 [ None ]
Mastering the Game of Thrones: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Ice and Fire 电子书下载
George R.R. Martin`s A Song of Ice and Fire series is a worldwide phenomenon, and the world of Westeros has seen multiple adaptat ...
11-01 [ None ]
《Erlang OTP并发编程实战》[美]Martin Logan / Eric Merritt文字版 电子书下载
通过提高CPU时钟频率来制造更快的单核芯片的技术已经到达了极限。多核、并发、分布式等概念和技术也随之走出象牙塔,成为每个一线开发者的必备技能。由通信巨头爱立信研发的Erlang/OTP大放异彩,二十多年来,在传统电信领域高并发、高可靠、高容错的严酷环境下,Erlang语言和OTP平台被锻炼得坚如磐石 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
《重构:改善既有代码的设计》Martin Fowler 电子书下载
内容简介 :本书是经典著作《重构》出版20年后的更新版。书中清晰揭示了重构的过程,解释了重构的原理和实践方式,并给出了何时以及何地应该开始挖掘代码以求改善。书中给出了60多个可行的重构,每个重构都介绍了一种经过验证的代码变换手法的动机和技术。本书提出的重构准则将帮助开发人员一次一小步地修改代码,从 ...
10-14 [ computer ]
Mastering the Game of Thrones: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Fire and Ice: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Ice and Fire 电子书下载
Game of Thrones is a worldwide phenomenon, and the world of Westeros has seen multiple adaptations, from HBO`s acclaimed televisi ...
11-01 [ None ]