The Revolt of Unreason: Miguel de Unamuno and Antonio Caso on the Crisis of Modernity 电子书下载
This book examines solutions to the crisis of modernity proposed by the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno and the Mexican phi ...
10-08 [ None ]
The Formation of Arab Reason: Text, Tradition and the Construction of Modernity in the Arab World (Contemporary Arab Scholarship in the Social Sciences) 电子书下载
Since the earliest period of Islamic history, Arab thought has been dominated by a reverence for tradition and textual analysis. ...
06-11 [ None ]
The Organization of Labour Markets: Modernity, Culture and Governance in Germany, Sweden, Britain and Japan 电子书下载
There have been dramatic shifts in the behavior of labor markets and the conduct of industrial relations in the last century. Thi ...
05-25 [ None ]