Empire and the Bomb: How the U.S. Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World 电子书下载
The United States is the only country to have dropped the atomic bomb. Since the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, every U.S. ...
10-09 [ None ]
The Passionate Collector: Eighty Years in the World of Art 电子书下载
"Few living persons have served the Metropolitan Museum of Art-indeed, the entire world of art and art museums-longer, or with mo ...
07-29 [ None ]
《Java Web整合开发实例精通:Struts+Hibernate+Spring》闫术卓文字版 电子书下载
初学编程的人很苦恼的一件事是不知道如何上手。其实有两种思路都可以很好地上手。一种是按部就班,像大学里的C程序设计课程一样,从基本语法,到各种具体应用程序逐渐深入;还有一种方法是,把基本语法和一些函数的用法用比较典型的实例贯穿起来,通过学习这些实例来掌握编程知识,这也是一种很好的方法。因为学习编程需要 ...
09-13 [ computer ]