Animation: A World History: Volume I: Foundations - The Golden Age 电子书下载
A continuation of 1994’s groundbreaking Cartoons, Giannalberto Bendazzi’s Animation: A World History is the largest, deepest, mos ...
08-29 [ None ]
De animales a dioses 电子书下载
Hace 100.000 años al menos seis especies de humanos habitaban la Tierra. Hoy solo queda una, la nuestra: Homo sapiens. ¿Cómo logr ...
06-30 [ None ]
Animation (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert op ...
07-01 [ None ]
Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences 电子书下载
A collection by an award-winning author includes ten short tales, eighteen poems, and the title story in which a child survives a ...
10-08 [ None ]
Virtual Reality and Animation for MATLAB® and Simulink® Users: Visualization of Dynamic Models and Control Simulations 电子书下载
About this book· Gives the reader hands on example-base experience for simulating dynamical models in MATLAB®/Simulink® and anima ...
05-08 [ None ]
Flipping Out: The Art of Flip Book Animation 电子书下载
Learn to create an animated flip book from start to finish! Flipping Out: The Art of Flip Book Animation guides readers through t ...
10-26 [ None ]
Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds max, LightWave, and Maya 电子书下载
Digital animation has become essential part of commercials, corporate presentations, and filmmaking. Virtually every commercial o ...
04-07 [ None ]