WebAssembly for Cloud: A Basic Guide for Wasm-Based Cloud Apps 电子书下载
Journey into the amazing world of WebAssembly (Wasm) and learn about how it can be applied on the cloud. This book is an introduc ...
07-03 [ None ]
Java Ee Applications on Oracle Java Cloud: Develop, Deploy, Monitor, and Manage Your Java Cloud Applications: Develop, Deploy, Monitor, and Manage Your Java Cloud Applications 电子书下载
Master Java EE Application Development on Oracle Java Cloud Build highly available, scalable, secure, distributed applications on ...
04-28 [ None ]
Implementing Cloud Storage with OpenStack Swift : design, implement, and successfully manage your own cloud storage cluster using the popular OpenStack Swift software 电子书下载
Design, implement, and successfully manage your own cloud storage cluster using the popular OpenStack Swift softwareAbout This Bo ...
05-10 [ None ]
Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron), 2nd Edition: Wield the power of OpenStack Neutron networking to bring network infrastructure and capabilities to your cloud 电子书下载
OpenStack Neutron is an OpenStack component that provides networking as a service for other OpenStack services to architect netwo ...
05-09 [ None ]
Implementing Cloud Storage with OpenStack Swift: Design, implement, and successfully manage your own cloud storage cluster using the popular OpenStack Swift software 电子书下载
Swift, OpenStack`s cloud software project, allows users to build cloud storage, a method used widely to slash costs and improve u ...
05-09 [ None ]
OpenStack Essentials: Demystify the cloud by building your own private OpenStack cloud 电子书下载
An OpenStack cloud is a complex jungle of components that can speed up managing a virtualization platform. Applications that are ...
05-09 [ None ]
《重新定义Spring Cloud实战》许进 扫描版 电子书下载
许进Spring Cloud中国社区创始人,阿里原资深工程师,花名玹霖,专注于基础架构与中间件研发,曾就职于唯品会平台架构部和饿了么。个人网站:http://xujin.org。钟尊发Spring Cloud中国社区联合创始人,现就职于京东金融,对微服务有深入研究。叶志远Spring Cloud中国 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Cantilènes en gelée: précédé de Barnums Digest ; et suivi de Vingt poèmes inédits. Je voudrais pas crever ; suivi de Lettres au collège de Pataphysique et textes sur la littérature 电子书下载
Poète, Boris Vian le fut dans bien des domaines, roman, chanson, théâtre... Mais s`il aima par-dessus tout confronter son génie p ...
10-14 [ None ]
《Spring Cloud微服务实战》翟永超文字版 电子书下载
《Spring Cloud微服务实战》从时下流行的微服务架构概念出发,详细介绍了Spring Cloud针对微服务架构中几大核心要素的解决方案和基础组件。对于各个组件的介绍,《Spring Cloud微服务实战》主要以示例与源码结合的方式来帮助读者更好地理解这些组件的使用方法以及运行原理。同时,在介 ...
09-15 [ computer ]