CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming 电子书下载
“This book is required reading for anyone working with accelerator-based computing systems.” –From the Foreword by Jack Dongarra, ...
10-19 [ None ]
Beyond Photoshop: Advanced techniques integrating Photoshop with Illustrator, Poser, Painter, Cinema 4D and ZBrush 电子书下载
In his best-selling book Creative Photoshop, award-winning artist Derek Lea previously revealed to the digital art world his secr ...
05-21 [ None ]
《摆出好POSE》黑面 电子书下载
内容简介:《摆出好POSE:美少女外拍动作完美图解》适合对摄影感兴趣,特别是喜爱人像拍摄的爱好者以及模特儿阅读参考。会玩相机,人像摄影只能算成功了一半,让模特儿摆出美丽的POSE才是成功的关键!《摆出好POSE:美少女外拍动作完美图解》即是一本关于如何摆姿的教学图鉴,由台湾人气摄影师黑面编著,热门人 ...
10-14 [ fiction ]