Cisco Networking Academy Program: CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide 3rd Edition 电子书下载
Cisco Networking Academy Program: CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide 3rd Edition ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Semantic Modeling for Data - Panos Alexopoulos 电子书下载
Semantic Modeling for Data - Panos AlexopoulosPanos Alexopoulos ...
02-05 [ computer ]
La muerte y la doncella: Death and the Maiden, Spanish Edition 电子书下载
Ariel Dorfman’s award-winning play is set in a fictional South American country that has recently returned to democracy. Gerardo ...
06-18 [ None ]
《VMware网络技术:原理与实践》[美]Christopher Wahl / [美]Steven Pantol 云计算与虚拟化技术丛书文字版 电子书下载
Chris Wahl 芝加哥Ahead咨询公司高级技术架构师,在企业基础架构设计、实施和管理方面有10余年经验。他曾在层次化数据中心环境与高效技术团队合作,在各种虚拟化、数据中心和私有云项目中给予架构和工程方面的专业指导。他拥有30多个行业认证,包括稀有的VMware认证设计专家(VCDX#$104 ...
09-16 [ computer ]
How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In 电子书下载
Decline can be avoided. Decline can be detected. Decline can be reversed. Amidst the desolate landscape of fallen great compan ...
06-16 [ None ]
Flora of Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 4, Campanulaceae - Asteraceae (Flora of Great Britain and Ireland) 电子书下载
Planned in five volumes, this critical Flora provides a definitive account of the native species, naturalised species, frequent g ...
09-22 [ None ]
Spanish Among Amigos Phrasebook: Conversational Spanish for the Socially Adventurous 电子书下载
Spanish Among Amigos Phrasebook is aimed at people who already have a little Spanish under their belts. It`s geared to anyone who ...
09-23 [ None ]