Developing Turn-Based Multiplayer Games: with GameMaker Studio 2 and NodeJS 电子书下载
Create your first turn-based multiplayer game using GameMaker Studio 2’s built-in networking functions as well as using a simple ...
08-16 [ None ]
What's New in Flash Player 11 - Joseph Labrecque 电子书下载
What`s New in Flash Player 11 - Joseph LabrecqueJoseph Labrecque ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Comprehensive Chess Course Volume II: From Beginner to Tournament Player in 12 Lessons (Comprehensive Chess Course) 电子书下载
Lev Alburt`s seven volume course is uniquely effective in taking a diligent student from beginner to about expert level. Volume ...
08-10 [ None ]
Let’s Build a Multiplayer Phaser Game: With TypeScript, Socket.IO, and Phaser 电子书下载
Create a fully working multiplayer game from scratch using TypeScript, Socket.IO, and the community edition of Phaser.js. You wil ...
02-09 [ None ]
Arduino Programming: What Is The Need For The Arduino Music Project?: Arduino Music Player With Display 电子书下载
If you are researching Arduino Music projects, you want to deeply study about instruments.Let`s read this book, It can teach you ...
07-05 [ None ]