Emergencies Only A Nurses Journey Through Natural Disasters, Extreme Poverty, Civil Wars and General Chaos-Allen Unwin (2017) 电子书下载
Main Emergencies Only: A Nurse`s Journey Through Natural Disasters, Extreme Poverty, Civil Wars and...Emergencies Only: A Nurse`s ...
08-02 [ None ]
国家为什么会失败(Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power,Prosperity and Poverty) 电子书下载
《国家为什么会失败》回答了困扰专家们几个世纪的问题:为什么有的国家富、有的国家穷;国家为什么按照富裕不富裕、健康不健康、食物充足不充足来划分?是文化、天气、地理特征还是不知道正确政策?简单说,什么都不是。没有任何一个因素是确定的或注定的。德隆·阿西莫格鲁和詹 ...
05-30 [ None ]
Dark Victory: The United States and Global Poverty (Transnational Institute) 电子书下载
A critique of why Third World poverty is so prevalent. Hunger and malnutrition stalk the countries of the South. Over the last 20 ...
10-09 [ None ]