The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript - Nicholas C. Zakas 电子书下载
The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript - Nicholas C. ZakasNicholas C. Zakas ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Principles of Quantum Mechanics 电子书下载
"The standard work in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, indispensable both to the advanced student and to the matu ...
08-07 [ None ]
Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition (Morris,Kidney Transplantation) 电子书下载
Updated to reflect today`s practice guidelines, the new edition of this comprehensive text remains the definitive resource on all ...
08-14 [ None ]
Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multi-Sensor Integrated Navigation Systems (GNSS Technology and Applications) 电子书下载
Trying to work out which GPS/INS book to spend your $100 on? Maybe Farrell`s book? Aided Navigation: GPS with High Rate Sensors T ...
07-11 [ None ]
Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms and Systems - Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal 电子书下载
Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms and Systems - Ajay D. Kshemkalyani and Mukesh SinghalAjay D. Kshemkalyani and Mukesh Singhal ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience - Jeff Gothelf 电子书下载
Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience - Jeff GothelfJeff Gothelf ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Drug Interdiction: Partnerships, Legal Principles, and Investigative Methodologies for Law Enforcement 电子书下载
Written by seasoned drug enforcement officials, this book provides a "cop`s point of view" of domestic drug interdiction. It trai ...
10-08 [ None ]
Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine: What it is, how it works, and what it can do for you 电子书下载
Chinese herbal medicine has become an increasingly popular method of treatment for a range of different health conditions - from ...
08-03 [ None ]
Principles of Chinese Medicine: What it is, how it works, and what it can do for you Second Edition 电子书下载
Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, qigong, tui na massage and diet therapy have been used by the Chinese for over 2000 years, and they a ...
08-03 [ None ]
Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles 9th Edition Global Edition - William Stallings 电子书下载
Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles 9th Edition Global Edition - William StallingsWilliam Stallings ...
02-05 [ computer ]
PPL Book 5. Principles of Flight, 2nd edition 电子书下载
This text book has been written and published as a reference work for student pilots with the aims of helping them prepare for th ...
09-01 [ None ]