Collect, Transform and Combine Data using Power BI and Power Query in Excel (Business Skills) 电子书下载
Using Power Query, you can import, reshape, and cleanse any data from a simple interface, so you can mine that data for all of it ...
04-29 [ None ]
Character Modeling with Maya and ZBrush: Professional polygonal modeling techniques 电子书下载
Create believable CG character models with this unique book and DVD package. The stunning color images show just what you can ach ...
06-02 [ None ]
Heard on the Street, Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews 电子书下载
THIS IS A MUST READ! It is the first and the original book of quantitative questions from finance job interviews. Painstakingly r ...
08-05 [ None ]
Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR - Véronique Brossier 电子书下载
Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR - Véronique BrossierVéronique Brossier ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Apprendre la programmation web avec Python & Django: Principes et bonnes pratiques pour les sites web dynamiques 电子书下载
Enfin un ouvrage pour étudiants détaillant tous les principes de la programmation web moderne, avec l`un des frameworks de dévelo ...
10-19 [ None ]
Effective Robotics Programming with ROS 3rd Edition - Anil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enrique Fernández and Aaron Martinez 电子书下载
Effective Robotics Programming with ROS 3rd Edition - Anil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enrique Fernández and Aaron MartinezAnil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enri ...
02-05 [ computer ]