生化超限战-转基因食品和疫苗的阴谋 biochemical Unrestricted Warfare: genetically modified food and vaccine conspiracy(Chinese Edition) 电子书下载
《生化超限战:转基因食品和疫苗的阴谋》主要内容简介:科学技术的发展日新月异。许多人认为科学技术就等于进步,一定会给我们带来福音,其实现实世界的事情并不是如此简单。纵观人类历史,就其应用而言,科学技术从来都是双刃剑,它一方面造福人类,另一方面伤害人类。炸药,既 ...
09-20 [ None ]
《成吉思汗》[美] 杰克·威泽弗德 / Jack Weatherford 电子书下载
内容简介:成吉思汗和他的蒙古帝国一直被认为是依靠武力征服了世界。但事实上成吉思汗每次出兵都不过十万人,即便战斗力再强,也很难史无前例地征服40多个国家、720多个民族和6亿的人口。成吉思汗究竟是靠什么征服了世界?为了探寻答案,蒙元史专家杰克·威泽弗德用18年的时间游历蒙古,曾围绕古蒙古帝国走了整整一 ...
10-14 [ historical ]
ArcGIS for JavaScript Developers by Example: A practical guide to get you creating powerful mapping applications using the rich set of features provided by the ArcGIS JavaScript API 电子书下载
The book starts by explaining the basics of the ArcGIS web mapping ecosystem. The book walks you through the development of six m ...
03-30 [ None ]
Australia and Cyber-warfare (Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No. 168) 电子书下载
This book explores Australia’s prospective cyber-warfare requirements and challenges. It describes the current state of planning ...
08-11 [ None ]
Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q (Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies) 电子书下载
Paperback edition is available from the Society of Biblical Literature (www.sbl-site.org). ...
08-22 [ None ]