Managing with Microsoft Project 2002 电子书下载
This guide explains how to create and modify Project files and generate reports that track a project`s progress, and provides ins ...
02-23 [ None ]
《单身时代》玫瑰(Roseann Lake) 电子书下载
内容简介:《单身时代》的作者是旅居中国五年的美国记者,她探访了多名“剩女”,在书中呈现了四位未婚白领女性的现实故事,通过她们各自的困境与选择,勾勒出当今中国“剩女时代”的真实面貌。从而更进一步探讨中国未来将会遭遇的社会问题,帮助我们理解政治和社会如何塑造中国女性的生活,以及这对世界 意味着什么。 《 ...
06-21 [ life ]
Access Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets from Microsoft Access MVPs 电子书下载
Two Microsoft Access MVPs show how you can become an Access power user Microsoft Access is the world’s leading database system, w ...
07-05 [ None ]
Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies 电子书下载
"Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies", from the National Research Council, identifies and explores several s ...
08-02 [ None ]
国家为什么会失败(Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power,Prosperity and Poverty) 电子书下载
《国家为什么会失败》回答了困扰专家们几个世纪的问题:为什么有的国家富、有的国家穷;国家为什么按照富裕不富裕、健康不健康、食物充足不充足来划分?是文化、天气、地理特征还是不知道正确政策?简单说,什么都不是。没有任何一个因素是确定的或注定的。德隆·阿西莫格鲁和詹 ...
05-30 [ None ]
Blasts of Gas: The Secrets of Breathing, Burping, and Passing Gas (The Gross and Goofy Body) 电子书下载
This engaging series teaches readers about the body and its many gross functions. ...
06-10 [ None ]
The Neuroscience of Social Interaction: Decoding, Imitating, and Influencing the Actions of Others 电子书下载
Humans, like other primates, are intensely social creatures. One of the major functions of our brains must be to enable us to be ...
08-16 [ None ]
The Path To Strength: School of the USSR (CROSSFIT & POWERLIFTING Book 5) 电子书下载
This book was written taking into account the professional teachings of the strongmen of the USSR Strong people have always enjoy ...
05-22 [ None ]
Mechanics of Microstructured Solids 2: Cellular Materials, Fibre Reinforced Solids and Soft Tissues (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Volume 50) 电子书下载
This second volume of the series Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics is the second part of the compendium of rev ...
03-17 [ None ]