《Ruby程序员修炼之道》David A. Black 电子书下载
内容简介:《Ruby程序员修炼之道》这是一本深受好评的书。它不仅是一本纯Ruby的书,也不仅是一本纯Rails的书,而是一本为Rails程序员“优化”过的Ruby书。本书从Ruby编程语言的基础开始一直讲到动态特性,其中包含大量的真实代码示例并附有详细的注解,对日常使用Ruby进行编程中会遇到的每个 ...
10-14 [ computer ]
Ruby on Rails for Php and Java Developers 电子书下载
The web framework Ruby on Rails for developing database based web applications provides a Model-View-Controller framework. The re ...
04-28 [ None ]
Head First Rails: A Learners Companion to Ruby on Rails 电子书下载
Ready to transport your web applications into the Web 2.0 era? Head First Rails takes your programming -- and productivity -- to ...
05-19 [ None ]
Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 projects: bringing Ruby on Rails to the Java platform 电子书下载
It is a really good book. Just a bit old. If only the author would update it. Still recommend it if you are looking to get a hea ...
04-28 [ None ]
Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional (Beginning from Novice to Professional) 电子书下载
Ruby is perhaps best known as the engine powering the hugely popular Ruby on Rails web framework. However, it is an extremely pow ...
05-16 [ None ]