LSAT Logic Games For Dummies 电子书下载
Improve your score on the Analytical Reasoning portion of the LSATIf you`re like most test-takers, you find the infamous Analytic ...
08-12 [ None ]
Real-World Natural Language Processing - Masato Hagiwara 电子书下载
Real-World Natural Language Processing - Masato HagiwaraMasato Hagiwara ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Practical Natural Language Processing - Sowmya Vajjala, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj Gupta, and Harshit Surana 电子书下载
Practical Natural Language Processing - Sowmya Vajjala, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj Gupta, and Harshit SuranaSowmya Vajjala, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Non-standard Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics 电子书下载
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Soli ...
04-24 [ None ]
Commercial Satellite Communication 电子书下载
This book is a highly readable text offering comprehensive coverage of all aspects of satellite communications, from the design o ...
09-01 [ None ]
《SAT文法高分特训》 罗霄修订版 电子书下载
《新航道·SAT文法高分特训》致力于帮助考生熟练掌握SAT文法知识,熟悉SAT文法类考题,在有限的备战时间里取得最大化的提高。同时,《新航道·SAT文法高分特训》的大部分内容均源自编者在一线讲授SAT课程的积累和总结,编写《新航道·SAT文法高分特训》的过程中,也与众多SAT考生进行了广泛的交流,因 ...
09-13 [ education ]