IPython Notebook Essentials: Compute scientific data and execute code interactively with NumPy and SciPy 电子书下载
Packt Publishing; 2014. — 190 p. — ISBN: 9781783988341Scientists, engineers, and programmers were quick to address this issue. Ha ...
06-15 [ None ]
Fracture of Brittle Solids (Cambridge Solid State Science Series) 电子书下载
This is an advanced text for higher degree materials science students and researchers concerned with the strength of highly britt ...
03-17 [ None ]
Reading Science Fiction 电子书下载
Science Fiction is illuminated by world class scholars and fiction writers, who introduce the history, concepts and contexts nece ...
10-08 [ None ]
CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers: Best Practices for Efficient CUDA Fortran Programming 电子书下载
CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers shows how high-performance application developers can leverage the power of GPUs using ...
10-19 [ None ]
SciPy and NumPy: An Overview for Developers 电子书下载
Want to learn SciPy and NymPy quickly? Cut through the complexity of online documentation with this concise and illustrated book, ...
06-15 [ None ]
高级迷信:学术左派及其关于科学的争论 -Higher superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science 电子书下载
“一石激起千层浪”!自1994年初版以来,《高级迷信》一书一直是舆论界经久不衰且爱恨纠缠的焦点,引发了自然科学家、社会科学家、人文学者们广泛参与的“科学大战”。 《高级迷信:学术左派及其关于科学的争论》是首次将各种“科学批评”的视角与观点集结在一起“示 ...
07-01 [ None ]
Design of FET frequency multipliers and harmonic oscillators 电子书下载
Introducing the application of Field Effect Transistors (FET) as frequency multipliers and harmonic oscillators, this text puts e ...
08-17 [ None ]