Introducing Social Networks (Introducing Statistical Methods series) 电子书下载
This first-rate introduction to the study of social networks combines a hands-on manual with an up-to-date review of the latest r ...
05-24 [ None ]
Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical Inferences From Texts and Transcripts (Routledge Communication Series) 电子书下载
This book provides descriptions and illustrations of cutting-edge text analysis methods for communication and marketing research; ...
08-22 [ None ]
ESRI Geostatistical Analyst Руководство пользователя 电子书下载
Вы приступаете к изучению расширения к ArcGIS компании ESRI® модуляGeostatistical Analyst, предназначенного для усовершенствованн ...
05-20 [ None ]
Introducing Anova and Ancova: A GLM Approach (Introducing Statistical Methods series) 电子书下载
Traditional approaches to ANOVA and ANCOVA are now being replaced by a General Linear Modeling (GLM) approach. This book begins w ...
05-24 [ None ]
倾向值分析: 统计方法与应用 Propensity Score Analysis: Statistical Methods and Applications 电子书下载
本书阐述了重要的统计学原理和定理, 省略了论证, 通俗易懂, 侧重应用,是社会行为科学研究者了解当代前沿因果分析方法的重要工具书。本书系统介绍了四种用于因果分析的前沿统计方法: (1)由2000年诺贝尔经济学得主美国芝加哥大学教授杰姆斯• 海科曼(Jame ...
04-24 [ None ]