The Philosophers - Introducing Great Western Thinkers 电子书下载
What better introduction to the world of philosophy than through the lives of its most prominent citizens. In The Philosophers, w ...
05-24 [ None ]
Think Again 电子书下载
"Think Again is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a culture of learning and exploration, whether at home, at work, or at ...
04-08 [ None ]
Freeing your child from negative thinking: powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness 电子书下载
Powerful, practical strategies to build a lifetime of resilience, flexibility, and happiness. Several years ago Dr. Tamar Chansky ...
08-22 [ None ]
Grays Anatomy Puzzle Book: Think you know your cranium from your clavicle? Tibia from your trachea? Think again ... 电子书下载
Test your brain, solve riddles and learn about how the body works with this unique puzzle book using illustrations from Gray’s An ...
04-08 [ None ]
Wishful Thinking 电子书下载
How do you ditch your Fairy Godmother?Philomena Swann needs to find out—and fast. Why? Because Phil and her two sisters are 1/8th ...
07-28 [ None ]
《ThinkPHP5.0完全开发手册》文字版 电子书下载
ThinkPHP5.0版本是一个颠覆和重构版本,官方团队历时十月,倾注了大量的时间和精力,采用全新的架构思想,引入了更多的PHP新特性,优化了核心,减少了依赖,实现了真正的惰性加载,支持composer,并针对API开发做了大量的优化,包括路由、日志、异常、模型、数据库、模板引擎和验证等模块都已经重 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
《保持饥渴:不断获取新知识,升级底层操作能力》 [英] Thinkers50文字版 电子书下载
[英] Thinkers 50 Thinkers50是2001年建立的全球管理思想家排行榜,被誉为“管理思想界的奥斯卡”,凭借其客观性和强大的舆情系统,得到全球性的赞赏和认可,奠定了它在管理思想领域的权威性地位。 曾经入选Thinkers50的获奖者,不仅有商业思想界的殿堂级人物,如现代管理之父德鲁 ...
09-15 [ economy ]
The Think Big Manifesto: Think You cant Change Your Life (and the World)? Think Again 电子书下载
Think Bigger. About Who You Are. And What You Offer the World.Stand for something before someone stands on you. Revolt against th ...
04-08 [ None ]
《Thinkphp5.0控制器从入门到精通》流年 电子书下载
内容简介:《Thinkphp5.0控制器从入门到精通》本书是官方出品入门系列第三本,作者对ThinkPHP5的控制器进行深入浅出的讲解,帮助你更好的理解和使用控制器,以及围绕控制器为主线的一系列操作,包括请求对象、依赖注入、响应输出、模板渲染、错误和异常以及行为的使用,特别强调了一些容易引起问题的地 ...
10-14 [ computer ]
Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Dont Know (Random House Large Print) 电子书下载
"Think Again is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a culture of learning and exploration, whether at home, at work, or at ...
04-08 [ None ]