Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse: Die griechischen Fragmente mit deutscher und englischer Übersetzung (Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, Bd. 1) 电子书下载
This text presents diplomatic transcriptions and translations of all known textual fragments which can be attributed to what is k ...
09-01 [ None ]
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2009: 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Bangkok, Thailand, December 15-18, 2009 Proceedings 电子书下载
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, held in Bangkok, Thailand during December ...
09-22 [ None ]
La Revanche Des Perses Les Tyrans de Syracuse (La Marine des Anciens, tome 2) 电子书下载
Vol. 2: La Revanche des Perses les Tyrans de Syracuse Deux des satrapes de Darius étaient particulièrement intéressés à se procur ...
10-12 [ None ]
Radiation Oncology Advances 电子书下载
Radiation Oncology Advances provides a comprehensive overview of the exciting developments shaping the current and future practic ...
06-30 [ None ]
Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R 电子书下载
Data analytics may seem daunting, but if you`re an experienced Excel user, you have a unique head start. With this hands-on guide ...
10-24 [ None ]
Space Robotics and Autonomous Systems Technologies, advances and applications 电子书下载
Space robotics and autonomous systems (Space RAS) play a critical role in the current and future development of mission-defined m ...
07-10 [ None ]
《情绪是什么》乔瓦尼•弗契多 (Giovanni Frazzetto) 电子书下载
内容简介:《情绪是什么》科学家们宣称,他们从大脑里找到了情绪的秘密。然而,愤怒、内疚、焦虑、悲伤、快乐……这些阴晴不定的情绪,真的能被总结成简单的方程式,透过神经科学、心理学或遗传学让人一一透视吗?对情绪的科学描述,真的足以说明我们的感受吗?作者简介:乔瓦尼•弗契多 ● 弗契多是一位足迹遍布欧洲的新 ...
10-14 [ life ]
Advancing Land Change Modeling: Opportunities and Research Requirements 电子书下载
People are constantly changing the land surface through construction, agriculture, energy production, and other activities. Chang ...
06-07 [ None ]
Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Advances and Emerging Processes 电子书下载
https://doi.org/10.1016/C2018-0-01330-4 ...
03-26 [ None ]
Neo-avant-garde in Nederland: Museumjournaal Als Forum Van Een Nieuw Kunstbegrip 电子书下载
This title can be previewed in Google Books - http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN9789089640703. ...
07-21 [ None ]
Mastering Go: Create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, and advanced Go data structures 电子书下载
Exploring the major features and packages of Go, along with its types and data-structures, enabling the reader to write threadsaf ...
06-30 [ None ]
Advances in Immunology, Vol. 97 电子书下载
Advances in Immunology, a long-established and highly respected publication, presents current developments as well as comprehensi ...
09-26 [ None ]