Introducing MLOps - Mark Treveil and the Dataiku Team 电子书下载
Introducing MLOps - Mark Treveil and the Dataiku TeamMark Treveil and the Dataiku Team ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Fluttering Veil: Essays on Monetary Disequilibrium 电子书下载
Money`s unique and essential role in a free market and monetary disequilibrium as the root cause of the business cycle are princi ...
06-07 [ None ]
Unveiling Fashion: Business, Culture, and Identity in the Most Glamorous Industry 电子书下载
Proposing a comprehensive account of the global fashion industry this book aims to present fashion as a social and cultural fact. ...
10-08 [ None ]
Merveilles à nos yeux: Étude structurelle de vingt psaumes dont celui de 1Ch 16,8-36 电子书下载
Le titre de ce livre est une citation de PS 118,23b, vantant la merveilleuse construction réalisée par YHWH, avec cette pierre qu ...
10-14 [ None ]