《响应式Web设计:HTML5和CSS3实战》BenFrain经典版 电子书下载
BenFrain是一名具有十多年经验的网页设计师和前端工程师,直接与世界各地的客户和设计机构并肩工作。同时他还是一名技术记者,定期为一些关注Mac平台、前沿科技、网页设计和航空技术的刊物撰稿。在此之前,他曾是一名怀才不遇的(而且谦虚谨慎的)电视演员,毕业于索尔福德大学的媒体与表演专业。他写了四部(自 ...
09-28 [ computer ]
From Web to Social Web: Discovering and Deploying User and Content Profiles: Workshop on Web Mining, WebMine 2006, Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2006. Revised Selected and Invited Papers 电子书下载
The World Wide Web is a rich source of information about human behavior. It containslarge amount of data organizedvia interconnec ...
04-24 [ None ]
Learn HTML and CSS: Learn to build a website with HTML and CSS 电子书下载
Learn to build your own website with HTML and CSS. Discover how you can learn HTML and CSS and build your own project or website ...
04-24 [ None ]
Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 projects: bringing Ruby on Rails to the Java platform 电子书下载
It is a really good book. Just a bit old. If only the author would update it. Still recommend it if you are looking to get a hea ...
04-28 [ None ]
WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide 电子书下载
WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide is a thorough and accessible introduction to one of the most transformative technologies hittin ...
07-03 [ None ]
Python Automation Cookbook: 75 Python automation ideas for web scraping, data wrangling, and processing Excel, reports, emails, and more, 2nd Edition 电子书下载
Get a firm grip on the core processes including browser automation, web scraping, Word, Excel, and GUI automation with Python 3.8 ...
10-24 [ None ]
Real-Time Twilio and Flybase: Build Real-Time Web Apps Using Twilio and Flybase with Node.js 电子书下载
Use Flybase and Twilio with Node.js to build real-time solutions and understand how real-time web technologies work. Written by t ...
06-24 [ None ]
《大话Web开发:基于知识管理角度》 王小峰厦门大学 电子书下载
王小峰,深圳大学传播学院互联网校园媒体系教研员,计算机网络博士生(武汉工程大学)、公共管理博后(武汉大学),前端工程师、Redhat技术员。常年专注于计算机网络开发语言的培训与操作,熟练C/C++、Java、PHP、JavaScript、Python、R、Go等十余种开发语言。研究内容包括有数据挖掘 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
《架构探险:从零开始写Java Web框架》黄勇 扫描版 电子书下载
《架构探险:从零开始写Java Web框架》首先从一个简单的 Web 应用开始,让读者学会如何使用 IDEA、Maven、Git 等开发工具搭建 Java Web 应用;接着通过一个简单的应用场景,为该 Web 应用添加若干业务功能,从需求分析与系统设计开始,带领读者动手完成该 Web 应用,完善相 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
《PHP+MySQL+AJAX Web开发给力起飞》高博/李彦/李云帆文字版 电子书下载
想知道PHP程序是怎么写的吗?想了解PHP论坛程序是怎么构建自己的模块吗?知或者不知,《PHP+MySQL+AJAX Web开发给力起飞》就在这里,不增不减,循序渐进。你即将有机会坐上网站设计大巴,从基础走到新技术,从框架模块走到项目实现。沿途你将欣赏到5个实例风景:小型论坛系统、“站长助手”工具程 ...
09-13 [ computer ]