The High-Conflict Custody Battle: Protect Yourself and Your Kids from a Toxic Divorce, False Accusations, and Parental Alienation 电子书下载
Is your ex-spouse trying to gain custody of your kids? Has he or she launched a campaign to make you look like a bad parent, both ...
06-19 [ None ]
Mettre en prose aux XIVe-XVIe siècles 电子书下载
Loin de concerner uniquement romans et poèmes épiques — comme le ferait penser l’étude magistrale de Georges Doutrepont (1939) —, ...
07-23 [ None ]
Du métier des armes à la vie de cour, de la forteresse au château de séjour: XIVe-XVIe siècles 电子书下载
Ce premier colloque au château fort d’Écaussinnes-Lalaing était consacré à l’étude des transformations de l’architecture extérieu ...
07-23 [ None ]
Machine Learning by Tutorials 2nd Edition - Alexis Gallagher, Matthijs Hollemans, Audrey Tam & Chris LaPollo 电子书下载
Machine Learning by Tutorials 2nd Edition - Alexis Gallagher, Matthijs Hollemans, Audrey Tam & Chris LaPolloAlexis Gallagher, Matthijs Hollemans, Audr ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Overcoming IT Complexity - Lee Atchison 电子书下载
Overcoming IT Complexity - Lee AtchisonLee Atchison ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Anxiety disorders: an information guide 电子书下载
"This guide explores the difference between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder and specific phobias. It ...
10-08 [ None ]
穿过地平线 -Chuan guo di ping xian 电子书下载
Ben shu cai yong wen xue sui bi de xing shi lai zong he fan ying li si guang de zhi xue, Zuo ren de pin zhi ji gao ya de wen hua ...
02-22 [ None ]
费恩曼物理学讲义 : 新千年版 - Fei’enman wu li xue jiang yi : xin qian nian ban 电子书下载
The Feynman lectures on physics : the new millennium edition ...
03-21 [ None ]
Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix - Lance Halvorsen 电子书下载
Functional Web Development with Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix - Lance HalvorsenLance Halvorsen ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Clean Code Cookbook - Maximiliano Contieri 电子书下载
Clean Code Cookbook - Maximiliano ContieriMaximiliano Contieri ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Emotions in the Heart of the City (14th-16th century) = Les émotions au coeur de la ville (XIVe-XVIe siècle) 电子书下载
Whoever is curious about emotions and their expression in the Old Regime has to discover Johan Huizinga’s works. From his point o ...
07-23 [ None ]