线性代数应该这样学 第3版 LINEAR ALGEBRA DONE RIGHT,3E 电子书下载
本书强调抽象的向量空间和线性映射, 内容涉及多项式, 本征值, 本征向量, 内积空间, 迹与行列式等.全书完全抛开行列式, 采用更直接, 更简捷的方法阐述了向量空间和线性算子的基本理论.书中对一些术语, 结论, 数学家, 证明思想和启示等做了注释, 不仅增加 ...
02-22 [ None ]
Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra 电子书下载
Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra deals with the subject of linear algebra, covering vectors and linear systems, vector spac ...
05-11 [ None ]
A Unified Introduction to Linear Algebra: Models, Methods, and Theory 电子书下载
Newer editions are called simply "Introduction to Linear Algebra". The only difference between this edition and the newer edition ...
05-11 [ None ]
代数学引论. 第二卷, 线性代数 linear algebra 电子书下载
Ben juan nei rong bao kuo:kong jian yu xing shi, Xian xing suan zi, Dai you chun liang cheng ji de xiang liang kong jian, Er ci q ...
02-22 [ None ]
Introduction to linear algebra 电子书下载
Linear Algebra with Applications is an introductory text targeted to second or advanced first year undergraduates in engineering ...
05-11 [ None ]
The Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein Rees Algebras Associated to Filtrations 电子书下载
This monograph consists of two parts. Part I investigates the Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein properties of symbolic Rees algebras ...
09-27 [ None ]
Non-Associative and Non-Commutative Algebra and Operator Theory: NANCAOT, Dakar, Senegal, May 23–25, 2014: Workshop in Honor of Professor Amin Kaidi 电子书下载
Presenting the collaborations of over thirty international experts in the latest developments in pure and applied mathematics, th ...
09-19 [ None ]
A Concise Introduction to Linear Algebra 电子书下载
Building on the author`s previous edition on the subject (Introduction toLinear Algebra, Jones & Bartlett, 1996), this book offer ...
05-11 [ None ]
MS325 - A - Computer Algebra 电子书下载
This book introduces you to Maple and shows how to apply it to a range of mathematical problems. It starts by acquainting student ...
08-22 [ None ]
Head First Algebra - Tracey Pilone M.Ed. and Dan Pilone 电子书下载
Head First Algebra - Tracey Pilone M.Ed. and Dan PiloneTracey Pilone M.Ed. and Dan Pilone ...
02-05 [ computer ]