Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) Susan M. Carr, Denise Campbell 电子书下载
Main Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare))Midwifery Emergencies at a Glance (At a Glance (Nurs ...
08-02 [ None ]
Acusación de tramposo 电子书下载
Jack Turpin llegaba de vender las reses que su patrón Myron Stone le había confiado. Con Jack regresaban los muchachos que le hab ...
09-01 [ None ]
OpenStack Bootcamp 电子书下载
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on ...
05-10 [ None ]
ArcGIS for JavaScript Developers by Example: A practical guide to get you creating powerful mapping applications using the rich set of features provided by the ArcGIS JavaScript API 电子书下载
The book starts by explaining the basics of the ArcGIS web mapping ecosystem. The book walks you through the development of six m ...
03-30 [ None ]
CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming 电子书下载
“This book is required reading for anyone working with accelerator-based computing systems.” –From the Foreword by Jack Dongarra, ...
10-19 [ None ]
Deep Learning Examples with PyTorch and fastai: A Developers Cookbook 电子书下载
This book will guide you through a journey on Deep Learning using the most recent version of the library fast.ai (Version 2). If ...
07-17 [ None ]
Great ABAQUS CAE analysis Geotechnical Engineering Department of example explanation - CAE分析大系 ABAQUS岩土工程实例详解 电子书下载
本书分为3篇,共15章.基础篇(第1-4章)主要介绍了软件的功能,岩土工程中常用的材料模型及算例,接触理论,以及用户子程序等基本知识;应用篇(第5-11章)介绍了浅基础的地基承载力,挡土结构的土压力,饱和土的渗流固结,非饱和土渗流问题,桩基工作性状,岩土开挖 ...
05-20 [ None ]