The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Cant Change Your Life (and the World)? Think Again 电子书下载
Every year, millions of people fall victim to a debilitating disease—a disease that cripples careers, destroys relationships, and ...
04-08 [ None ]
Drug Interdiction: Partnerships, Legal Principles, and Investigative Methodologies for Law Enforcement 电子书下载
Written by seasoned drug enforcement officials, this book provides a "cop`s point of view" of domestic drug interdiction. It trai ...
10-08 [ None ]
《光荣与梦想(套装共4册) : 1932-1972年美国叙事史》[美]威廉·曼彻斯特(William Manchester) 电子书下载
内容简介:《光荣与梦想(套装共4册) : 1932-1972年美国叙事史》本书从1932年富兰克林•罗斯福总统上台前后一直写到1972年的“水门事件”,勾画了整整40年间的美国历史。细致入微的描写了这一时期美国政治、经济、文化和社会生活等方面的巨大变化。作者威廉•曼彻斯特充分运用新闻报导的特写手法, ...
10-14 [ historical ]
The Best Of Cornwall Devon And Dorset 电子书下载
Plan your Summer with our unique guide to Cornwall, Devon & Dorset, crammed full of top tips & beautiful photography.Hundreds of ...
05-21 [ None ]
Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies: Level 5 (Highinterest Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies) 电子书下载
Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies series. Every book in the series contains over 100 reproducible pagesmore than 125 acti ...
08-10 [ None ]
生化超限战-转基因食品和疫苗的阴谋 biochemical Unrestricted Warfare: genetically modified food and vaccine conspiracy(Chinese Edition) 电子书下载
《生化超限战:转基因食品和疫苗的阴谋》主要内容简介:科学技术的发展日新月异。许多人认为科学技术就等于进步,一定会给我们带来福音,其实现实世界的事情并不是如此简单。纵观人类历史,就其应用而言,科学技术从来都是双刃剑,它一方面造福人类,另一方面伤害人类。炸药,既 ...
09-20 [ None ]
Art and destruction 电子书下载
Most talk of and writing on art is about its relationship to creation and creativity. This of course takes various forms, but ult ...
10-09 [ None ]
Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse: Die griechischen Fragmente mit deutscher und englischer Übersetzung (Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, Bd. 1) 电子书下载
This text presents diplomatic transcriptions and translations of all known textual fragments which can be attributed to what is k ...
09-01 [ None ]
Employment Personality Tests Decoded 电子书下载
At least 30 percent of American companies, from American Express and Bank of America and IBM to Marriott, Procter & Gamble, Tim ...
08-16 [ None ]
《大哥》Priest 电子书下载
内容简介:《大哥》是Priest众多小说作品中有口皆碑,备受期待出版的小说。晋江文学城著名作者酥油饼倾情作序推荐。许多读者因为《大哥》喜欢上Priest并关注至今,得知出版消息后一个小时内微博转发上千。《大哥》以两位主角少年相遇起始一直讲述到青年时期,时间跨度20多年,是一部涉及亲情、友情、商战以及 ...
10-14 [ workplace ]