De Europeanisering Van Belangengroepen En Politieke Partijen in Nederland (Pallas Proefschriften) (Dutch Edition) 电子书下载
This title can be previewed in Google Books - http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN9789085550068. ...
07-21 [ None ]
Les saints et leur culte en Europe centrale au Moyen Âge: (xie-début du xvie siècle) 电子书下载
L’Europe centrale n’est pas une aire, c’est un monde. Les contributions de ce volume aident à en prendre la mesure. Elles posent ...
07-23 [ None ]
欧洲的创生: 950—1350年的征服、殖民与文化变迁(The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 950—1350) 电子书下载
内容简介 · · · · · ·1994年沃尔夫森历史奖获奖作品,从边缘地带、宗教、人口、贸易、军事、文化等方面的变化着手,讲述欧洲是如何成为现代欧洲的。◎ 内容简介在中世纪盛期,欧洲发生了一股内部征服、殖民和经 济增长的浪潮,由此,欧洲从一个由独立小社群 ...
08-24 [ None ]
The Kings Body: Sacred Rituals of Power in Medieval and Early Modern Europe 电子书下载
The King`s Body offers a unique and up-to-date overview of a central theme in European history: the nature and meaning of the sac ...
06-04 [ None ]
Arabic Christianity Between the Ottoman Levant and Eastern Europe 电子书下载
"This volume sheds light on the historical background and political circumstances that encouraged the dialogue between Eastern-Eu ...
06-11 [ None ]
The Political Economy of Javas Northeast Coast, c. 1740-1800 (TANAP Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction) 电子书下载
This book is a study of the political economy of Java`s Northeast Coast from 1743, when the VOC emerged as its ruler, until the e ...
04-28 [ None ]
Precolonial Black Africa: A Comparative Study of the Political and Social Systems of Europe and Black Africa 电子书下载
This comparison of the political and social systems of Europe and black Africa from antiquity to the formation of modern states d ...
09-19 [ None ]
The Cognitive Neuropsychology Of Schizophrenia 电子书下载
Schizophrenic patients have bizarre experiences which reflect a disorder in the contents of consciousness. For example, patients ...
08-01 [ None ]
The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation, and Marriage in Premodern Europe 电子书下载
This interdisciplinary anthology takes as its starting point the belief that, as the material grounds of lived experience, materi ...
02-16 [ None ]
The Entrepreneurial Shift: Americanization in European High-Technology Management Education 电子书下载
This book is a provocative study of how American-led entrepreneurship transformed business education in Europe. Starting with Sil ...
07-21 [ None ]
Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series) 电子书下载
Slavoj Zizek is not alone in thinking that Alain Badious recent work is the event of contemporary philosophy. Think Again, the fi ...
04-08 [ None ]
Lineages of European Citizenship: Rights, Belonging and Participation in Eleven Nation-States 电子书下载
Lineages of European Citizenship provides an historical analysis of the development of citizenship from the nineteenth to the twe ...
05-11 [ None ]
Alexandre le Grand à la lumière des manuscrits et des premiers imprimés en Europe (XIIe-XVIe siècle): Matérialité des textes, contextes et paratextes: des lectures originales 电子书下载
Ce volume réunit les actes du colloque qui s’est tenu à Lille en juin 2013 et a clôturé un programme de recherches international ...
07-23 [ None ]
Reflections of a Veteran Pessimist: Contemplating Modern Europe, Russia, and Jewish History 电子书下载
Having been exposed early in life to the dangers of extreme nationalism, journalist and historian Walter Laqueur chose to align h ...
10-25 [ None ]
Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy: Diversification and Organisational Change in European Higher Education (The Society for ... Education and Open University Press Impreint) 电子书下载
How entrepreneurial are European universities? Perhaps more than is generally realised. What are the factors that encourage ...
04-10 [ None ]