Banking, Projecting and Politicking in Early Modern England: The Rise and Fall of Thompson and Company 1671‒1678 电子书下载
Banking, Projecting, and Politicking uncovers a previously understudied and unacknowledged financial institution in late-seventee ...
05-21 [ None ]
《财富自由 : 平民出身的富豪积累财富的原则和方法》【美】托马斯·J.斯坦利(Thomas J.Stanley) / 【美】萨拉·斯坦利·弗洛(Sarah Stanley Fallaw) 电子书下载
内容简介:为什么富人开的车的平均价格只有35000美元,而丰田是他们最喜欢的品牌?为什么富人住的房子面积只有177平米,而普通人住的房子却超过220平米?为什么富人穿的牛仔裤价格不超过50美元、戴的手表不超过300美元?为什么80%的富豪都是白手起家、蓝领工人的后代最有可能成为富豪?为什么财富越多的 ...
10-14 [ economy ]
When Giants Fall: An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era 电子书下载
In When Giants Fall, Panzner makes his case for the turbulent economic changes that will be occurring over the next few years and ...
08-29 [ None ]
The Fall of Roman Britain: And Why We Speak English 电子书下载
The end of empire in the island of Great Britain was both more abrupt and more complete than in any of the other European Roman p ...
09-22 [ None ]