《星尘》尼尔·盖曼 (Neil Gaiman) 电子书下载
内容简介:“从前有个年轻人,他想追寻心之所向。” ---------------------- 为了一个吻,一个牵手一生的约定,特里斯坦穿越禁忌的城墙,寻找一颗坠落的星星。 因无知而无惧,因年轻而无畏,特里斯坦走进精灵仙境,开始了一段惊险的奇幻之旅。那里有危机四伏的食人森林、风起 云涌的风暴堡、神秘 ...
11-11 [ fiction ]
Entextualizing domestic violence : language ideology and violence against women in the Anglo-American hearsay principle 电子书下载
Language ideology is a concept developed in linguistic anthropology to explain the ways in which ideas about the definition and f ...
08-12 [ None ]
Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gain New Ones 电子书下载
Why customer retention is the new acquisitionIf there`s anything the recession of 2009 taught us, it was the importance of invest ...
10-26 [ None ]
White Man, Think Again! 电子书下载
The classic work about European colonies and African rebellion in Southern Africa-and the realities of racial differences. Wr ...
04-08 [ None ]
功利主义:赞成与反对=Utilitarianism: For and Against 电子书下载
正如这本书的标题所表明的.在今天,功利主义作为一种道德哲学和政治哲学正处于这样一种境地:其讨论者日益鲜明地站在对立的营垒中,进行直接而尖锐的争论,或批评之,或为之辩护,中间的公允已越来越不可能。造成这种状况的原因之一是美国当代道德哲学家约翰·罗尔斯的正义理论 ...
04-26 [ None ]
Smart Students Guide to Ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2: Learn to think from the perspective of the IELTS Examiner and gain a higher band score 电子书下载
There is a common misconception among candidates that the examiner is looking for the finest possible ideas in order to solve the ...
06-27 [ None ]