《枪与玫瑰的使用方法》果壳Guokr·com 电子书下载
内容简介:关于你的眼神 关于他的心思 关于生理卫生课上语焉不详的段落 关于古往今来世间男女解决饱暖之后惦记的头等大事 果壳网性情站文章精选,从暧昧到高潮,从处女膜到前列腺,从红颜知己到乱伦,果壳性情用科学带你一一解读。不管是你的钢枪还是我的玫瑰,从这里认识自己也认识对方,才能爱得健康,爱得安全,爱得 ...
10-14 [ society ]
The Ambiguous Embrace: Government and Faith-Based Schools and Social Agencies 电子书下载
This is a time of far-reaching change and debate in American education and social policy, spurred in part by a rediscovery that c ...
09-21 [ None ]
The Ambiguous Embrace 电子书下载
This is a time of far-reaching change and debate in American education and social policy, spurred in part by a rediscovery that c ...
09-21 [ None ]
Sapiens: Lược Sử Loài Người 电子书下载
Sapiens, đưa chúng ta vào một chuyến đi kinh ngạc qua toàn bộ lịch sử loài người, từ những gốc rễ tiến hóa của nó đến thời đại ...
06-30 [ None ]
Plato and Levinas: The Ambiguous Out-Side of Ethics 电子书下载
In the second half of the twentieth century, ethics has gained considerable prominence within philosophy. In contrast to other sc ...
09-21 [ None ]
An Ambiguous Journey to the City: The Village and Other Odd Ruins of the Self in the Indian Imagination 电子书下载
Divided into four sections, this book tells the story of India`s ambivalent affair with the modern city through the myth of the j ...
09-21 [ None ]
Tacit and Ambiguous Resources as Sources of Competitive Advantage 电子书下载
Tacit knowledge has received a good deal of attention in the strategy field and is argued to be a key source of sustainable compe ...
09-21 [ None ]
穿过地平线 -Chuan guo di ping xian 电子书下载
Ben shu cai yong wen xue sui bi de xing shi lai zong he fan ying li si guang de zhi xue, Zuo ren de pin zhi ji gao ya de wen hua ...
02-22 [ None ]
Alternatives Considered But Not Disclosed: The Ambiguous Role of PowerPoint in Cross-Project Learning 电子书下载
Powerfully driven by the work of consulting firms, the presentation softwear Microsoft PowerPoint is increasingly used on all lev ...
09-21 [ None ]
全国古筝演奏考级作品集 - Quan guo gu zheng yan zou kao ji zuo pin ji 电子书下载
《全国古筝演奏考级作品集(第2套):第1级-第3级》结合古筝这件乐器自身的特点,本着传统民间乐曲与现代创编作品并重的理念,每一级里都较为充分地体现了对这两方面的考量。而且,从继承与发展的角度出发,在中低级别适当加大了传统民间筝曲的分量,在较高级别里则增强了现 ...
10-17 [ None ]