Charlie Parker for Guitar: Note-for-Note Transcriptions and Detailed Performance Notes for 18 Bebop Classics (Guitar Educational) 电子书下载
I have been working with this book for a few months now. If you`re looking to rip some licks or to learn the heads of his tunes w ...
08-22 [ None ]
HTML5、JavaScript、CSS、XHTML、Ajax網頁程式設計 (第五版)(電子書) 电子书下载
本書以HTML 5與JavaScript為主,其它網頁技術為輔,帶領讀者學習網頁程式設計的語法與技巧。本書內容分成下列四篇: *HTML 5篇:介紹HTML 4.01既有的元素和HTML 5增加、修改或移除的元素,例如article、section、nav、 ...
07-09 [ None ]
Mental Health Information for Teens: Health Tips about Mental Wellness and Mental Illness: Including Facts about Recognizing and Treating Mood, Anxiety, Personality, Psychotic, Behavioral, Impulse Control, and Addiction Disorders 电子书下载
"Provides consumer health information about the causes, warning signs, and symptoms of mental health disorders, along with facts ...
10-08 [ None ]
Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases (Primer on Rheumatic Diseases (Klippel)) 电子书下载
This is one of the most prestigious and comprehensive texts on arthritis and related diseases, including osteoarthritis, rheumato ...
06-16 [ None ]
Understanding GPS-GNSS: Principles and Applications, Third Edition (Gnss Technology and Applications Series) 电子书下载
This thoroughly updated third edition of an Artech House bestseller brings together a team of leading experts providing a current ...
07-11 [ None ]
Redis Cookbook [practical techniques for fast data manipulation] 电子书下载
Two years since its initial release, Redis already has an impressive list of adopters, including Engine Yard, GitHub, Craigslist, ...
07-05 [ None ]
《JavaScript DOM编程艺术》[英]Jeremy Keith / Jeffrey Sambells文字版 电子书下载
Jeremy Keith 国际知名的Web设计师,Web标准项目组成员,DOM Scripting任务组负责人之一,任职于Web咨询公司Clearleft。除本书外,还著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通过其个人网站adactio.com与他联系 ...
09-18 [ computer ]