Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? 电子书下载
Why do testicles hang the way they do? Is there an adaptive function to the female orgasm? What does it feel like to want to kill ...
07-28 [ None ]
Redis® Deep Dive: Explore Redis - Its Architecture, Data Structures and Modules like Search, JSON, AI, Graph, Timeseries (English Edition) 电子书下载
Complete reference guide to RedisKey FeaturesComplete coverage of Redis Modules.Best practices, tips and tricks, and expert techn ...
07-05 [ None ]
《丰田模式》(美)杰弗瑞·莱克(Jeffrey Liker) 电子书下载
内容简介:《丰田模式:精益制造的14项管理原则》内容简介:当今全球的商界人士都希望实施丰田激进的管理制度用以加速业务流程,减少浪费,改进质量。但是,在各式精益管理工具、管理技巧的表象之下,丰田成功的真正根基又是什么?《丰田模式》诠释了丰田所采用的14项精益管理实践,正是它们驱动丰田形成了专注于质量和 ...
10-14 [ economy ]
Think Like a Data Scientist - Brian Godsey 电子书下载
Think Like a Data Scientist - Brian GodseyBrian Godsey ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Mental Toughness: Step by Step Guide for an Unbeatable Mindset Developing Powerful Habits, Self Confidence & Discipline. Improve Your Focus, Performances and Mental Resilience Like a Champion 电子书下载
- Do you agree that the Mindset is what divides successful people from unsuccessful ones? From rich people to those who arrive wi ...
10-08 [ None ]
How To Hack Like a Ghost - Sparc Flow 电子书下载
How To Hack Like a Ghost - Sparc FlowSparc Flow ...
02-05 [ computer ]
How To Hack Like a Legend - Sparc Flow 电子书下载
How To Hack Like a Legend - Sparc FlowSparc Flow ...
02-05 [ computer ]