Peoples of the Apocalypse - Eschatological Beliefs and Political Scenarios 电子书下载
The three major monotheistic world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, incorporatethe idea that God created the world and ...
08-18 [ None ]
Logical Reasoning LSAT Strategy Guide, 4th Edition (Manhattan Prep LSAT Strategy Guides) 电子书下载
A fresh, innovative, and streamlined approach to the LSAT, featuring techniques geared towards students aiming for top scores. No ...
08-12 [ None ]
Proceedings of the first Workshop on Biological Physics 2000: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, September 18-22, 2000 电子书下载
Like inanimate matter, biological matter is condensed, though it may be more complex. However, a living cell is a chemically open ...
09-22 [ None ]
Cognitive schemas and core beliefs in psychological problems: A scientist-practitioner guide 电子书下载
Cognitive approaches to psychopathology have evolved from a primary focus on superficial cognition and automatic thoughts to an i ...
08-18 [ None ]
The Primordial Violence: Spanking Children, Psychological Development, Violence, and Crime 电子书下载
A CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2014! Why do parents hit those they love? What effect does it have on children? What can be d ...
08-12 [ None ]
The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy (Open Court Classics) 电子书下载
Available for the first time in 20 years, here are two important works from the 1920s by the best-known representative of the Vie ...
04-10 [ None ]
简明逻辑学 (Logic: A Very Short Introduction) 电子书下载
《简明逻辑学/牛津通识读本》概要地介绍了现代逻辑的两个主要组成部分即演绎逻辑和归纳逻辑的基本概念,分别涉及到:命题演算、谓词演算、模态逻辑、条件句逻辑、时态逻辑,以及归纳概率逻辑和决策逻辑等多个逻辑分支。其中各个章节都起始于直观案例的分析,采用基于自然语言的 ...
02-27 [ None ]