Teach Yourself Ukrainian (Teach Yourself Languages) 电子书下载
Teach Yourself Ukrainian is a complete course in spoken and written Ukrainian. If you have never learned any Ukrainian before or ...
05-24 [ None ]
Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees in the Age of Demosthenes: Historical Essays 电子书下载
This volume collects twelve historical papers, some published here for the first time, in which Stephen Lambert explores the impl ...
03-23 [ None ]
Athenian Democratic Origins: and other essays 电子书下载
This is a defense of the Athenian democracy by a great radical historian. Geoffrey de Ste. Croix shows how even its oddest featur ...
08-24 [ None ]
Imagining the Darwinian Revolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present 电子书下载
Imagining the Darwinian Revolution considers the relationship between the development of evolution and its historical representat ...
09-06 [ None ]
The Patagonian Icefields: A Unique Natural Laboratory for Environmental and Climate Change Studies 电子书下载
The majesty of the icefields is beyond description. He who has been fortunate to be there once, remains bound forever. To a theor ...
09-27 [ None ]
The Principles of Newtonian & Quantum Mechanics 电子书下载
This work deals with the foundations of classical physics from the ``symplectic`` point of view, and of quantum mechanics from th ...
08-07 [ None ]
Inscribed Athenian Laws and Decrees 352-1-322-1 BC: Epigraphical Essays 电子书下载
This book collects eighteen papers which make original contributions to the study of the inscribed laws and decrees of the city o ...
03-23 [ None ]
Fragmentary decrees from the Athenian agora (Hesperia Supplement 38) 电子书下载
This volume publishes the editiones principes of fragments of inscriptions found during excavations in the Athenian Agora between ...
03-23 [ None ]
Deep Learning with PyTorch - Vishnu Subramanian 电子书下载
Deep Learning with PyTorch - Vishnu SubramanianVishnu Subramanian ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Estonian for English Speakers, Level One 电子书下载
The course is divided into ten lessons, each of which will take an hour or maybe two to complete.When youhave finished the course ...
05-24 [ None ]
费恩曼物理学讲义 : 新千年版 - Fei’enman wu li xue jiang yi : xin qian nian ban 电子书下载
The Feynman lectures on physics : the new millennium edition ...
03-21 [ None ]
Lithuanian: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars) 电子书下载
(NOTE FROM THE UPLOADER: My most sincere apologies for the horrible resolution of the pages. It would appear that, for some reaso ...
08-10 [ None ]
Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 - Richard Clark, Oli Studholme, Christopher Murphy and Divya Manian 电子书下载
Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 - Richard Clark, Oli Studholme, Christopher Murphy and Divya ManianRichard Clark, Oli Studholme, Christopher Murphy and Divya ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Android Malware Handbook - Qian Han, Salvador Mandujano, Sebastian Porst, V.S. Subrahmanian, Sai Deep Tetali, and Yanhai Xiong 电子书下载
The Android Malware Handbook - Qian Han, Salvador Mandujano, Sebastian Porst, V.S. Subrahmanian, Sai Deep Tetali, and Yanhai XiongQian Han, Salvador M ...
02-05 [ computer ]
费恩曼物理学讲义 : 新千年版 - Fei’enman wu li xue jiang yi : xin qian nian ban 电子书下载
The Feynman lectures on physics : the new millennium edition ...
03-21 [ None ]