基本无害的计量经济学:实证研究指南( Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist’s Companion) 电子书下载
计量经济学的方法和实践不断发展,有些过于新奇的方法本来没必要如此复杂,而且还可能是有害的。虽然对计量经济学基本工具的解释日趋精奥深微,但应用计量经济学的核心内容却保持着大体稳定。这本指南性质的教材为经验研究者把握计量经济学的精义提供一个向导,在讨论回归、工具 ...
02-09 [ None ]
The Decline of Men: How the American Male Is Tuning Out, Giving Up, and Flipping Off His Future 电子书下载
Why are so many of today`s supermen superclueless? Why are so many ambitious young women unable to find boyfriends as successful ...
10-26 [ None ]
生化超限战-转基因食品和疫苗的阴谋 biochemical Unrestricted Warfare: genetically modified food and vaccine conspiracy(Chinese Edition) 电子书下载
《生化超限战:转基因食品和疫苗的阴谋》主要内容简介:科学技术的发展日新月异。许多人认为科学技术就等于进步,一定会给我们带来福音,其实现实世界的事情并不是如此简单。纵观人类历史,就其应用而言,科学技术从来都是双刃剑,它一方面造福人类,另一方面伤害人类。炸药,既 ...
09-20 [ None ]
《航海王ONE PIECE(第5部:卷33~卷40)》尾田荣一郎珍藏版 电子书下载
尾田荣一郎,日本漫画家,1975年出生于日本熊本县,是集英社依赖的最强作者,他凭借一人之力,将《海贼王》持续更新了23年时间,也同时将它带到了世界漫坛的巅峰高度。四岁起,尾田荣一郎就对“漫画家”这个行业产生了浓厚的兴趣。1992年,高中就读期间,作品《WANTED!》入选《周刊少年JUMP》第44届 ...
11-25 [ None ]
Universalism and Particularism at Sodom and Gomorrah: Essays in Memory of Ron Pirson 电子书下载
This book reexamines the Sodom and Gomorrah narrative in Genesis 18 19, an ethically charged text that has significantly influenc ...
10-17 [ None ]
ArcGIS for JavaScript Developers by Example: A practical guide to get you creating powerful mapping applications using the rich set of features provided by the ArcGIS JavaScript API 电子书下载
The book starts by explaining the basics of the ArcGIS web mapping ecosystem. The book walks you through the development of six m ...
03-30 [ None ]