Learning Adobe Edge Animate - Joseph Labrecque 电子书下载
Learning Adobe Edge Animate - Joseph LabrecqueJoseph Labrecque ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Collect, Combine, and Transform Data Using Power Query in Excel and Power BI 电子书下载
Using Power Query, you can import, reshape, and cleanse any data from a simple interface, so you can mine that data for all of it ...
04-29 [ None ]
20 Questions...Answered: Informative Stories on Topics of Interest to the Modern Student-Book 2 电子书下载
20 Questions...Answered is a three book series of reproducible low level ESL/EFL/Literacy reading and discussion texts. Each unit ...
06-10 [ None ]
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 4th Edition - Jiawei Han, Jian Pei and Hanghang Tong 电子书下载
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 4th Edition - Jiawei Han, Jian Pei and Hanghang TongJiawei Han, Jian Pei and Hanghang Tong ...
02-05 [ computer ]
La sorpresa del marqués 电子书下载
Roger Bennett, el futuro marqués de Riderland, se define a sí mismo como un caballero dispuesto a ayudar a las pobres infelices c ...
06-16 [ None ]
Service Automation and Dynamic Provisioning Techniques in IP/MPLS Environments - Christian Jacquenet, Gilles Bourdon and Mohamed Boucadair 电子书下载
Service Automation and Dynamic Provisioning Techniques in IP/MPLS Environments - Christian Jacquenet, Gilles Bourdon and Mohamed BoucadairChristian Ja ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《锋利的jQuery》单东林文字版 电子书下载
单东林,曾经拥有一个著名的网站cssrain.cn,后来因不可抗拒力而关闭。通过本书继续为国内前端开发做贡献。《锋利的jQuery(第2版)》循序渐进地对jQuery的各种函数和方法调用进行了介绍,读者可以系统地掌握jQuery的选择器、DOM操作、事件和动画、AJAX应用、插件、jQuery Mo ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Queer Bangkok: 21st century markets, media, and rights 电子书下载
This book analyses the roles of the market and media -- especially cinema and the Internet -- in these transformations, and consi ...
09-22 [ None ]