Learning the Unix Operating System, 5th Edition - Jerry Peek, Grace Todino and John Strang 电子书下载
Learning the Unix Operating System, 5th Edition - Jerry Peek, Grace Todino and John StrangJerry Peek, Grace Todino and John Strang ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Arduino for Secret Agents: Transform your tiny Arduino device into a secret agent gadget to build a range of espionage projects with this practical guide for hackers 电子书下载
Q might have Bond`s gadgets– but he doesn`t have an Arduino (not yet at least). Find out how the tiny Arduino microcomputer can b ...
07-05 [ None ]
OpenGL Data Visualization Cookbook: Over 35 hands-on recipes to create impressive, stunning visuals for a wide range of real-time, interactive applications using OpenGL 电子书下载
OpenGL is a great multi-platform, cross-language, and hardware-accelerated graphics interface for visualizing large 2D and 3D dat ...
06-04 [ None ]
Data Wrangling with JavaScript - Ashley Davis 电子书下载
Data Wrangling with JavaScript - Ashley DavisAshley Davis ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Lagrange multiplier approach to variational problems and applications 电子书下载
This comprehensive monograph analyses Lagrange multiplier theory, which provides a tool for the analysis of a general class of no ...
08-17 [ None ]
Introduction to Linear Algebra 4th Edition - Gilbert Strang 电子书下载
Introduction to Linear Algebra 4th Edition - Gilbert StrangGilbert Strang ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Python Automation Cookbook: 75 Python automation ideas for web scraping, data wrangling, and processing Excel, reports, emails, and more, 2nd Edition 电子书下载
Get a firm grip on the core processes including browser automation, web scraping, Word, Excel, and GUI automation with Python 3.8 ...
10-24 [ None ]
Mastering High Performance with Kotlin: Overcome performance difficulties in Kotlin with a range of exciting techniques and solutions 电子书下载
Find out how to write Kotlin code without overhead and how to use different profiling tools and bytecode viewer to inspect expres ...
08-12 [ None ]
Lagrange multipliers and optimality 电子书下载
Lagrange multipliers used to be viewed as auxiliary variables introduced in a problem of constrained minimization in order to wri ...
08-17 [ None ]
Practical Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality - Susan E. McGregor 电子书下载
Practical Python Data Wrangling and Data Quality - Susan E. McGregorSusan E. McGregor ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Principles of Data Wrangling - Tye Rattenbury, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Jeffrey Heer, Sean Kandel, and Connor Carreras 电子书下载
Principles of Data Wrangling - Tye Rattenbury, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Jeffrey Heer, Sean Kandel, and Connor CarrerasTye Rattenbury, Joseph M. Hellerst ...
02-05 [ computer ]