Mari Mengenal Bahan Makanan Pokok Pengganti dari Tanah Nusantara 电子书下载
Buku nonteks pelajaran ini telah ditetapkan berdasarkan Keputusan Kepala Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan Balitbang, Kemendikbud Nom ...
07-05 [ None ]
Creating Augmented and Virtual Realities - Erin Pangilinan, Steve Lukas, and Vasanth Mohan 电子书下载
Creating Augmented and Virtual Realities - Erin Pangilinan, Steve Lukas, and Vasanth MohanErin Pangilinan, Steve Lukas, and Vasanth Mohan ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Croissant e Biscotti 电子书下载
Un volume per tutti coloro che amano la prima colazione, pasto fondamentale per iniziare al meglio la giornata, e i sani ma golos ...
08-24 [ None ]
Human kindness and the smell of warm croissants : an introduction to ethics 电子书下载
Human Kindness and the Smell of Warm Croissants makes philosophy fun, tactile, and popular. Moral thinking is simple, Ruwen Ogien ...
08-24 [ None ]
The French Croissant Cookbook: Successful and easy preparation. For beginners and professionals. The best recipes designed for every taste. 电子书下载
This cookbook is about a variety of easy to copy recipes for the most popular and tastiest recipes.With this book, you will succe ...
08-24 [ None ]
Auto Layout by Tutorials - Jayven Nhan & Libranner Santos 电子书下载
Auto Layout by Tutorials - Jayven Nhan & Libranner SantosJayven Nhan & Libranner Santos ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《莫泊桑短篇小说精选》莫泊桑 (Maupassant.G.)语文新课标必读丛书文字版 电子书下载
莫泊桑讲述故事中的主人公,大多是小人物,有诺曼底狡猾的农民、慷慨的工匠、受欺凌的妓女和女佣、小职员、小店主、小市民,也有比市民还世俗的破落贵绅、富商、工厂主,以及野心勃勃的政客。例如《羊脂球》中,有爱国骨气的妓女和软骨头的富商与乡绅,在敌人的淫威面前不同的表现,《一家子》中为争取遗产而大打出手的一家 ...
09-13 [ education ]
Ruth Harriet Louise and Hollywood Glamour Photography (Santa Barbara Museum of Art) 电子书下载
6 color illustrations, 97 duotones When Ruth Harriet Louise joined Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the studio with "more stars than there ar ...
10-26 [ None ]
End-to-End Network Security Defense-in-Depth - Omar Santos 电子书下载
End-to-End Network Security Defense-in-Depth - Omar SantosOmar Santos ...
02-05 [ computer ]
I/O Consolidation in the Data Center - Silvano Gai and Claudio DeSanti 电子书下载
I/O Consolidation in the Data Center - Silvano Gai and Claudio DeSantiSilvano Gai and Claudio DeSanti ...
02-05 [ computer ]