Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全(第3版) 电子书下载
这是一本关于Linux命令行与shell脚本编程的全方位教程,主要包括四大部分:Linux命令行,shell脚本编程基础,高级shell脚本编程,如何创建实用的shell脚本。本书针对Linux系统的最新特性进行了全面更新,不仅涵盖了详尽的动手教程和现实世界 ...
07-10 [ None ]
An Introduction to the Linux Command Shell for Beginners 电子书下载
The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with a fast and simple introduction to using the Linux command shell and so ...
06-18 [ None ]
LPI Linux certification in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference 电子书下载
Companies ranging from IBM to Novell are dramatically expanding Linux training and development. Certification will be a key part ...
06-18 [ None ]
Linux: 3 books in 1 : Linux for Beginners + Linux Command Lines and Shell Scripting + Linux Security and Administration 电子书下载
This is a compilation of 3 books: Linux for Beginners Linux Command Lines and Shell Scripting Linux Security and Administration H ...
06-18 [ None ]